• 2/22/2017 8:46 AM

From Quarry to Countertop - “White Spiders” Part 2

The Tecchiaiolo use their flexibility, agility, and grace to quickly move across the face of the quarries: assessing dangers, removing impediments, and protecting the lives of those below them. This job is very demanding - both physically and mentally - as they dangle in the air and protect the lives of the quarrymen.

  • 2/17/2017 10:00 AM

Field Service Professional

G.M.S. Werks is currently accepting applications for a Field Service Professional for their Omaha, Nebraska, location. 

  • 2/17/2017 9:30 AM

Experienced Fabrication Professional

G.M.S. Werks is currently accepting applications for an Experienced Fabrication Professional for their Omaha, Nebraska, location. 

  • 2/17/2017 9:00 AM

Saw Operator

G.M.S. Werks is currently accepting applications for a Saw Operator for their Omaha, Nebraska, location. 

  • 2/17/2017 8:15 AM

Experienced CNC Operator

G.M.S. Werks is currently accepting applications for an Experienced CNC Operator for their Omaha, Nebraska, location. 

  • 2/15/2017 6:00 AM

From Quarry to Countertop - “White Spiders” Part 1

We’re often asked: “How do the workers in the quarries stay safe?” The answer lies with the brave climbers who work on the faces of the rock, chipping away unsafe portions and making sure the quarrymen working underneath them stay protected. These men are known as “The White Spiders,” “The Angels of Carrara,” or “Tecchiaiolo.”

  • 2/8/2017 8:45 AM

An Introduction to Granite

Granite is one of the oldest stones and it has been used as a building material since ancient times. It is one of the most durable natural stones around and will far outlast the building it is installed in, making it a very popular choice construction projects.

  • 1/11/2017 8:45 AM

Identifying Marble

What adds a seasoned elegance and class to a home or commercial building better than marble? Not much in our opinion. There’s just something about the unique character of marble that is captivating. However, it can be challenging to determine if you are looking at natural marble, man-made marble, or granite.

  • 1/2/2017 3:18 PM

What You Should Know Before Starting A Natural Stone Job

It’s important to understand some components of using natural stone for home design. Because natural stone is produced by nature it makes each and every section of natural stone unique and no two stones are exactly alike. The uniqueness of natural stone has an appeal and character to it that no manufactured materials can attain.

  • 12/26/2016 2:03 PM

Installing an Island Stone Slab Video

In the video you will see GMS Werks installing an island in an upper level apartment. 

We have been meeting the needs of both residential and commercial customers for over 100 years.