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  • 9/6/2017 6:00 AM

How To Use Medallion Tiles In Your Home

Medallion tiles are intricate in their own nature. These tiles are made to be a focal point in each room they are added to. They are the perfect way to add that “wow” factor without being too over the top.

Tiles can be used in many different rooms in your home. If you can think it, it can be done. Here is a list of ideas to add these beautiful medallion tiles to any room in your house...


In most houses, families spend most of their time in their kitchen; whether it is finishing homework, making dinner, eating meals together, or entertaining friends. With so much time spent in this space, you should make this room your home’s show stopper.

A great place to use medallion tiles is for a backsplash. A backsplash is a vertical extension to the countertops. A backsplash is commonly placed behind kitchen sinks and stovetops. They can also stretch across the whole space. Without a backsplash in these areas your walls are vulnerable and can be damaged by water and oil. Many people believe that a backsplash isn’t needed, but that is not the case.

Furthermore, if you ever plan to sell your current home a backsplash adds value to your home. This way, when you sell the home, you can get more cash back for your current investment. This is why you should add these focal points to your household.


For the same reasons that a backsplash works so well in the kitchen, a backsplash can also be added to the bathroom. Additionally, it can be added in showers as an accent point. A great way to use them is to contrast colors. If you have a dark bathroom color, to break up the darkness, add a light and colorful Medallion to this space. You can add a focal point in the bathroom; behind a bathtub or shower, add a bold and bright print. This will draw your eye to this part of the room.

Floor to Ceiling Tile:

Medallion tiles are extremely eye-catching. A single floor to wall tile creates the exact “wow” factor one can be looking for.


An outdoor space can have the potential to be beautiful. This is why medallion tiles are not only meant for indoor spaces like the bathroom and kitchen, they can be added to an outside space as well.  You can use these to make a beautiful walkway to the outside patio and garden area. Furthermore, if you have an outdoor kitchen area with a grill, add a border and backsplash behind the grilling area. This will really impress your family and friends.


For some, they want that focal point, but not as extreme. This is where you can add borders around the room you pick to add tiles. A beautiful medallion tile can be added as a border around the bathroom and the kitchen. Also, for something more unique, add it to customized shelving in your living room and bedroom.

Open Floor Plans:

With an open floor plan, some rooms can be hard to distinguish from the other. You can add a break throughout this plan with medallion tiles. They can be added on the pillars separating the rooms, on the floors, and on the walls. This is something simple and elegant to add.


The staff at G.M.S Werks can help you bring beautiful Medallion tiles to your bathroom, kitchen, and other rooms in your household. G.M.S Werks also can add beautiful natural stones and tiles as well to your home. For more information contact us today!

We have been meeting the needs of both residential and commercial customers for over 100 years.